Geof Staniford PhD PSA(Assoc)

I Attended art school at Wallasey College of Art and the Laird School of Art in Birkenhead. Then after jobs in security on Liverpool docks, local government, and the building trade went on to become a computer scientist. Lectured at three English Universities with research work taking me all over the world. Painted as a hobby during this time some 60 years in all. I have attended short courses with leading artists such as Richard McKinley IAPS-MC PSA-MP, Marla Bagetta IAPS-MC PSA and Robert Brindley RSMA to name a few.

Now retired and living on the Wirral Peninsular. My studio looks out directly over gardens with trees and flowers in abundance. I paint mainly in soft pastel and exhibit with several art societies and in open exhibitions in the UK and internationally.

In the UK I belong to several local art societies. Internationally I am an associate member of the Pastel Society of America and of several regional pastel societies and exhibit regularly in the United States. This year my painting “Mountain Stream Snowdonia” has been accepted for the Webshow of the International Association of Pastel Societies in New York.


Julie Small


Philip Stanton